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​ESLA Board Meeting August 22, 2024

Held in-person at Laura Pacifici’s house

In attendance: Brian Gray, Kevin Self, Dan Patrick, Tim Piccard, Kevin Pasma, Sandy Morse, Beth Kiekintveld, Jeff Parks, Carol Ward, Laura Pacifici, Jay Graham (by phone), Louisa Self (representing Oak Leaf Club)

Absent with notice: Tom Fleming


1.  Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance, 7:08 pm, by Brian Gray

  • Welcoming of new board members: Carol Ward, Laura Pacifici, Jeff Parks

  • Appreciation expressed to Laura for hosting 

  • Approval of proposed agenda (move to approve: Beth; Second: Tim; motion passed)

  • Approval of past minutes (move to approve: Tim; second: Jeff; motion passed)

  • New board positions

    • Tim volunteered for President

    • Kevin volunteered for Vice President

    • Motion to approve: Laura; second: Jeff; motion passed

    • Tim offered to help Sandy with Treasurer duties since she is in Florida for part of the winter when dues are coming in


2.  Committee reports


Lakes and Wildlife (Beth)

  • Full report sent to members

  • Lakes

    • Under budget

    • PLM - Raquelle is our new technician

    • The Sharps will be given a $50 gift card for use of their landing for PLM boat access

    • Beth has contacted an individual that will continue Secchi disc water clarity and phosphorus testing on both lakes

    • There are additional tests that Jay and Laura could do if they are interested, Beth will check with the Michigan State 2024 Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program

  • Geese

    • Removal will not happen due to Avian influenza which the DNR says may persist for awhile

    • We will continue to destroy eggs by the DNR-preferred method of oiling of the shells

  • Carp

    • Bluegill feed on carp eggs which can control the number of carp

      • We need to allow bluegills to stay on beds in May which is decreased by fishermen, especially those coming from the public boat launch on Pickeral Lake, and the boat launch

      • Beth will investigate adding signage on lakes about bluegill fishing during critical periods

    • Cage Permit - Laura will check into getting one for next year which will allow those who want to cage them the opportunity

    • A tournament for carp fishing for people on lake was proposed

    • Laura and Carol volunteered to help with carp


Safety (Jay)

  • Signs were posted on the bridge for weight limit

  • Full report sent to members


Bridge (Tim)

  • An open forum meeting was held August 3rd

  • Presenting this as a community project so 25% of the non-association residents don’t feel left out

  • To date there have been pledges for $75,000 which is about $1000/household on average. Some pledges are from non-association members

  • The bridge planning is in the initial stages, once funding is pledged, money can start coming in and the committee will move forward with definitive plans

  • Suggestions/ideas from the committee

    • Grants/Fremont foundation

    • We could do a low interest loan

    • Tim said that some grants require a $20 - $30 processing fee. Money came in from the raffle at the corn roast which might be used for these fees

  • There have been questions received from residents asking what the plan is, and some are waiting to see what the specific plan is before pledging

    • Tim agreed to put out a communication for what the pledging is for

  • A thermometer illustration with pledges to date will be posted in kiosks around the lakes

  • Permits – we need to make sure we’ve applied for all necessary permits, including from the MI Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and document when we’re told permits aren’t needed. Tim confirmed that the committee plans to do all necessary “due diligence” prior to the start of any work 

  • There has been interest from some residents about the bridge being aesthetically pleasing and, if possible, some historic aspects retained


Roads (Kevin P)

  • Roads are in some of the best shape they’ve ever been in

  • Repair of gutter on Outing Drive went well

  • We need to continue to drain water off to the sides of roads 

  • A member is willing to help with asphalting the potholes on Outing Drive for the cost of the materials. The asphalt company will be coming back to fix some additional things on Outing and will check if they can do the potholes at the same time and for what cost

  • Roads committee - Jeff volunteered to take over 


Treasurer (Sandy)

  • Spreadsheet handed out with details

  • 78.5% of dues have been paid so far which is about 3% lower than last year

  • $39,500 is proposed, $14,807 spent so far - not all bills in at this point. Many costs so far are thankfully coming in slightly under budget.

  • 50/50 raffle at Corn Roast raised $111 which was provided to Tim Piccard for bridge expenses, e.g., grant application fees


Oak Leaf Club 

  • Louisa Self is the new OLC President for next 2 years

  • Efforts are underway to get more people involved and maximize the social aspects

  • 2025 summer event schedule

    • Early June  – Rock dock drop with 2025 summer event schedule

    • June 21 – Welcome Back Brunch 10:30 am at DJ Krum's, 513 Emerald Drive. Bring a dish to share.

    • June 28 – ESLA community meeting 9:00 am. Newaygo HS, 360 Mill Street.

    • July 4th

      • Bike Parade 10:00 a.m. Meet at the south end of bridge in front of Baar's.

      • Boat Parade – 7:45 – Amass 7:30-7:45 in front of Johnson Palmer beach.

    • July 5th

      • Canoe/Kayak/Paddle board races 10:00 am registration at Johnson Palmer beach. Races at 10:30. Awards at Baar's.

      • Golf Cart Parade 11:20 or after award ceremony – whichever comes first – starting at south end of bridge. If you have a dirt road adjacent property, please wet down your road to prevent dust inhalation.

      • Ring of Lights – Put a light at the end of your dock at dusk.

      • Any weather changes will be posted on ESLA facebook page.

    • July 10 – Oak Leaf Happy Hour business meeting 4:00 pm at Denise Gasper's. 5094 Coral Dr.  BYOB and an snack to share.

    • July 23 – Rock painting 4-6 pm for dock rock drop 2026. Kate's Gazebo, 4934 Outing Dr.  Supplies provided but bring smock/apron. All welcome.

    • August 9 – Corn Roast 5:00 pm at Sharps Landing

    • August 14 – Salad Luncheon 12:00 noon. Location at Louisa Self's, 5078 Coral Drive on Emerald Lake.  Bring a dish to share.

    • August 22 – Ladies of the Lake (and their men) Social gathering 5:00 pm. Kate's Gazebo, 4934 Outing. BYO everything and a dish to share.  ALL fun no business.

    • September 24 - Rock painting 4-6 pm for dock rock drop 2026. Kate's Gazebo, 4934 Outing Dr.  Supplies provided but bring smock/apron. All welcome 2025 board meetings


3.  Old Business

  • None 


4.  New Business 

  • Communication

    • Email list - transferred from Kevin P to Tim who will be sending out emails as needed

    • Website – Beth volunteered to check on costs of hosting to improve the quality

    • Facebook – the ESLA page is currently owned by Brian Gray, Laura and Beth volunteered to take it over

    • Carol mentioned we need to strive for as much transparency as possible, and we should be providing regular updates on carp, safety, rentals 

  • Newsletter – board members will help write updates and other articles for the newsletter

  • Rentals (Beth)

    • Brooks and Everett township are the only ones that can control short term rentals by limiting the density of them. We currently have 10-11 on our lakes. Mary Lucas has 5 properties that she’s renting, and Beth and Laura volunteered to talk to her to find out her future plans

    • Kevin or Jay will make more copies of the safety rules which contain helpful “Do’s and Don’ts” for all residents and renters, we will mail them in the Spring

  • New resident welcoming committee – Dan will talk to Rich Witte to find out what they are currently doing for new residents and what assistance they might need

  • Tim plans for future meetings to be more structured and reserve social-related discussions until after the meeting

  • Dates: Dan will send out a survey to get everyone’s availability for the 2025 board meetings: January (virtual), May (in person), September (in person)


5.  Adjourn

  • Motion: Beth

  • Second: Jeff

  • Motion Passed, 9:15 pm

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